On Page SEO Techniques

Introduction to SEO

At first need to know what SEO is and what it stands for. In simple words SEO means to deal with Google like search engines algorithms to make your site search engine friendly. SEO basically stands for (Search EngineOptimization). In SEO algorithms means to modify or design your content to make it search engine friendly. In this article I will tell you about On Page SEO Techniques.

On Page SEO Techniques

On Page SEO

On page SEO works in side your website. Before uploading any content or article or any image on your web on page optimization has been done before. It includes several procedures which I will discuss later in this article or blog. But before starting to introduce different techniques of on page SEO few things or elements are important to know.
1.      Why on page SEO is important?
2.      What key factors are important to do on page SEO?
So the answer is SEO is important to make your content search engine friendly so it will get good rank in different search engines. Now coming to the second question, on page SEO includes proper Meta title of your content, Its Meta description means summary of almost 150 characters and Meta tags.

6 Different Techniques to optimize your web page:

On Page SEO Techniques

1.      Keyword

Keyword is the most important part of SEO whether it is on page or off page. First of all you need to research on your selected keyword and then write down some unique content on it to optimize later on.

2.      Meta Title

It is very much important that keyword you are using should be in your main title. If keyword is not included in your Meta title then your page never ranks good in any of the search engine.

3.      Meta Description

Same like as I mentioned in Meta title it is necessary that your short description about your article or content includes the same keywords in it.

4.      Meta Tags

Meta tags are those which will appear in search engine queries when someone tries to search about your selected keyword. Like if you are writing an article or content on SEO then your Meta tags are SEO, on page SEO, off page SEO, SEO tips and so on.

5.      Interlinks

Interlinking is used to boost the old pages already present in your website. For example your new topic is about on page SEO but you have already written an article on OFF page SEO so you can easily give a link of your previous article on your new content.

6.      Image or Video optimization

While uploading an image or video in your content keep in your mind to change its Title or Alt Text with your selected keyword.

7.      Plugin to Use for SEO

There present two best plugin for wordpress (All in one SEO or Yoast SEO) both are good but I preferred and recommend using ALL in ONE SEO because it allows you to give more than 1 keyword.
On Page SEO Techniques

Some more tips:

·         It is good that your keyword should be of minimum 3 words or maximum 4 words
·         Use proper headings in your content like H1,H2 or H3
·         Use media (Images or Videos) in your content to make it more attractive for the viewers
·         Use brackets in your content e.g. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
·         It is good to use number in your main title e.g. 5 SEO tips or 4 ways to optimize search engine
·         Use LSI keywords in your content

To summarize the entire topic some SEO experts believe or focus more on off page SEO but without accurate on page optimization off page SEO will never be successful. May be you don’t need to do off page SEO if your content is properly written and optimize in your website.


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